Call for Tender – Vendor Replacement (Lube Bay, Lagos)

Scope of work

Management of Total Cooperative Lube Bay located at Coop Place No 8 Trinity Avenue Water Cooperation Road Oniru, Victoria Island Lagos State.

Technical Qualification Requirements

The applicant will be required to provide the following documents:

  1. Evidence of Registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) with the inclusion of Certificate of Incorporation and Articles of Association.
  2. Current Company Tax Clearance Certificate corresponding with the company annual turnover for the last three (4) years.
  3. Verifiable experience
  4. Detailed Company profile and Organization structure including names and telephone numbers of key personnel (Technical Staff).
  5. Evidence of HSE procedure and detail execution plan with date
  6. MOU with Auto Manufacturing Companies or dealers
  7. Provide the location of your company available outlet or workshop in Lagos
  8. Evidence of operational footprint in Victoria Island.
  9. Evidence of relationship with spare parts dealers.
  10. List of similar Contracts executed by TENDERER in the last three (3) years with evidence of work completion (Work Completion Certificates, Job Completion Certificates or Evidence of job done etc.).
  11. List of relevant Equipment to be used for the execution of the Works and evidence of ownership or lease agreement with owners of the Equipment. .
  12. It is the responsibility of the vendor to equip the lube bay.
  13. Evidence of HSE management compliance.


Bidders Conference & Site Inspection

  1. All applicants are required to visit the facility for a bidders’ conference and site inspection on November 12th, 2021.
  2. A maximum of two (2) representatives are required for each applicant during the site visit.
  3. All applicants are required to contact the project Coordinator (Mrs. Ogechi OKEKE. on 080-631-31264 or 080-362-63290) and Ayo FOLORUNSO on 080-357-96407 before the visit date to schedule their inspection.

Submission of Documents

  1. The applicant should upload the qualification requirements document in the provided link –
  2. The applicant should download the commercial bid document from the provided link – Download Commercial Bid Document here
  3. The applicant should input prices for each element in the commercial bid document. The cost breakdown for each work element should be generated and included in the submitted bid.
  4. The completed commercial bid and breakdown of cost should be uploaded in the provided link –

Submission Deadline

All interested applicants are required to submit the pre-qualification documents and the commercial bid on or before 11:59 PM on Monday 26th November 2021.

Terms and Conditions

  1. This Invitation to Bid is not a guarantee from TEPNG COOP to award a contract. But it is a pre-requisite to the conclusion of any contract or purchase order for the provision of institutional goods, services, and work.
  2. All applications will be evaluated based on the criteria set forth in the technical qualification requirements and commercial bid.
  3. Any submission after the submission deadline will be disqualified.
  4. TEPNG COOP reserves the right to accept or reject any or all application and cancel the entire tender process, at any time without assigning any reason.