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Full Payment (Via Bank Transfer) Coop Savings Monthly Transfers/Deposit Payroll Monthly

Please pay into the following bank account:

Total E&P Staff Multipurpose Coop. Soc. Ltd.
Zenith Bank Plc

Narration of the transaction should follow this format :

"TotalCOOP Shares SurnameFirstName Numberofunitsbought" i.e."TotalCOOP Shares OkoyePeter 500000"

Log into iBanking and initiate payment using the withdrawal menu for savings withdrawal

Narration of the transaction should follow this format :

"TotalCOOP Shares SurnameFirstName Numberofunitsbought" i.e."TotalCOOP Shares OkoyePeter 500000"

Setup standing instruction from your bank account to our Zenith Bank details below:

Total E&P Staff Multipurpose Coop. Soc. Ltd.
Zenith Bank Plc

Please send evidence of any payment made to

[email protected]

Available for only 2 months (Nov and Dec, 2021).

Log into iBanking and increase your monthly savings contribution by an amount not less than 50% of your share purchase value