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Shares subscription payment options

Full Payment (Via Bank Transfer) Coop Savings Monthly Transfers/Deposit Payroll Monthly

Please pay into the following bank account:

Total_E&P_Staff_Multipurpose Coop. Soc. Ltd.
Zenith Bank Plc

Log into iBanking and initiate payment using the menu for savings withdrawal. Follow the normal partial withdrawal process and select "COOP Share Purchase" from your disbursement options.

Setup standing instruction from your bank account to our Zenith Bank details below:

Total E&P Staff Multipurpose Coop. Soc. Ltd.
Zenith Bank Plc

*This Option is No Longer Available !!

Narration of the transaction should follow this format : TotalCOOP_Shares_SurnameFirstName_Numberofunitsbought

Please send evidence of any payment made to [email protected]